
Via Mazzini, 51 07041 Alghero

Phone num:

079 20 73 440 – 342 130 1050


location icon   Via Mazzini, 51 07041 Alghero (SS)

phone icon   079 20 73 440 – 342 130 1050

message 3 icon

The Liberty Villa

Luxury Liberty House is a Liberty Villa “Vitelli Cossu” built in the early twentieth century. The vintage villa was built in the expansion period of the city and was property of rich neapolitan merchants, Vitielli or Vitelli, who performed important policy and administrative positions of the city.
The vintage house, changed into a rent rooms, is located in the middle of Alghero and hold four rooms, two splendid matrimonial suites and an open bar for all.

Luxury Liberty House rents rooms in a original vintage house of ‘900 in the middle of Alghero